What is holding you back from being the stylish fashionista you know you are? My Personal December Style Challenge

We all have things we could work on with our style. Maybe we have safe outfits we default to. Maybe we are a leggings and tees person. Maybe there are some colors we avoid. Maybe we don’t mix metals or mix patterns. Or we don’t know how to. We all have our own personal style challenges—things that we feel are limiting our ability to be the stylish fashionistas we really are. Whatever your challenge, and whatever your reason, here in as opportunity to grow.

background image credit: James Mann "Winter Fog From the River" on FLickr.

background image credit: James Mann "Winter Fog From the River" on FLickr.

Take part in my Personal Style Challenge for December. Think about how you want to grow and evolve your style. Think about what is holding you back and Work It! Choose to work on that one area for the month of December. They say it takes 21 days to make a habit. So, you can change this style challenge into a style strength, in just one month. And even win some Jamberry!

I tried this idea before, in February, and have made it a monthly challenge starting in December. I have many personal style challenges to work on. This way I can master one, two, or more a month!

 My challenges:

Since December is the last month of the year, I’m going to try three challenges, one of which is an ongoing challenge that I have been working on this year (maybe I can kick it before 2017!), one of which is more fundamental, and the last is necessary:

  • Fewer ponytails: I have done this one before, but I need to work on it some more. Ponytails are my default hairstyle, and more so as a toddler mom. So, I challenge myself to wear fewer ponytails in December!
  • Expanding my style: I wouldn’t say I am stuck in a rut, because ruts are small and I have a fairly diverse style. But, I’d like to broaden my style in a few ways. I’d like more truly casual pieces and outfits. This includes wearing more leggings and tunic or long shirts. I’d like to have more cozy fun with my style. In many ways this works with my third challenge.
  • Wardrobe revamp with closet clean out: I have a lot of clothes. Many of them are from before having a baby. My body has changed.  I’ve been waiting until I got back to my pre pregnancy weight, but that has been complicated by health issues that have prevented me from running and medicines that have put on weight. I’m actually now close to my pre pregnancy weight, but my shape is different. I need to go through all of my clothes and get rid of stuff that no longer fits my body, my lifestyle, or my evolving style.

My plan:

Fun and cozy, right? Wearing my newbeloved Wellie Rain Boots from LL Bean and their Signature Cotton Fisherman Sweater. Pleated Star Skirt from Canvas by Lands' End.

Fun and cozy, right? Wearing my newbeloved Wellie Rain Boots from LL Bean and their Signature Cotton Fisherman Sweater. Pleated Star Skirt from Canvas by Lands' End.

  • Fewer ponytails: I’m saving some ideas for other ways to wear my hair on Pinterest. I also recently purchased some Lila Rose hair accessories from Abby Harding McEllroy for some hair clips that will increase the different ways I can wear my hair.
  • Expanding my style: I am trying out some new brands (posts forthcoming) including Lula Roe, which focuses on cozy fun. I also recently ordered from this small little shop I discovered through mutual fashion interests on Facebook: Little Raven Clothing. She had a wonderful cyber Monday sale and I am getting some fun and cozy pieces from her.
  • Wardrobe revamp with closet clean out: I am ready to go for this. I bought some hangers and organization stuff. I just need to find the time and be well enough to have the energy. I have a day off planned later this month which would be perfect for tackling this. I will do some sort of closet clean out sale, so stay tuned for that. Most of what I own is cabi and in the medium size range with some small. Plus, I recently bought some Jamberry, and funky nails will help!

I may report back and post pictures (probably less of wardrobe revamp). I’ll certainly be talking about this on Instagram, so follow me there for more!

So, what about you? Do you have any personal style challenges you want to conquer? If so, join me! Select a challenge for you to work on, develop a plan, and let’s kick those style challenges to the curb! Use the tag #WorkingMyPersonalStylechallenge to show us how you are doing on Instagram. Or, leave a note for me in the comments here.

This month, there will be a prize! I will randomly select one winner from the December Instagram and blog #WorkingMyPersonalStylechallenge posts for a $25 Jamberry gift certificate! One of my good friends, Jenny, just started selling. So we can help launch her business and work our own style challenges at the same time!