Diving into a Stylish Summer! My Personal June Style Challenge

As I recently posted, I’ve been having some issues and did not keep up with this blog or my Instagram account.

But I am diving back in with the June Style Challenge!

For those of you who are unfamiliar, I host a monthly personal style challenge. Instead of giving you daily or weekly prompts, you choose your personal style challenge for the month. Maybe you want to wear more skirts or learn to mix prints? Maybe you dare yourself to bare your arms, like Kelly Gartner, our June style challenge partner, did last month. Maybe you wear too much black? Perhaps you want to try the cold shoulder trend? Whatever your issue or challenge, you choose it and Work It for the whole month. Post here, in the comments each day you work it or to Instagram with the tag #WorkingMyPersonalStylechallenge.

Each post enters you to win one of our fabulous June prizes:

  • Our grand prize is a $50 Stella & Dot gift certificate from stylist Kelly Gartner! I love Stella & Dot. They have some fabulous summer pieces and some on-trend collections like Summer Silver and Neutral Chic. We’ll post more about Stella & Dot here and on Instagram, so keep an eye out!
  • Our pink prize is a Seven Day Trail Pack of the New Plexus Slim (the link shows the older Slim). The pink drink is designed to help you lose weight and does so by balancing blood sugar and now (in the new version, which you could win) by promoting the growth of good gut microflora*. The ingredients are all natural--no artificial dyes or flavors.  I’ve found my mood is improved (no hanger here) and more balanced, I have less food cravings and less appetite, and I have so much more energy. I don’t even need coffee anymore! I’ll talk more about the Pink Drink below, should you be interested, with even some links to research. The older Slim Trail Packs cost $24.95. I’m not sure what the pricing will be on the new Slim, so I cannot give you an exact value, but it is likely more than $24.95. This is a brand new formula that I don’t even think you can buy yet. Luckily, the Ambassadors got a special early purchase opportunity, which I jumped on and am sharing with you!

So, choose your personal challenge(s), work them throughout the month, post here or on Instagram with the #WorkingMyPersonalStylechallenge, and be entered to win Stella & Dot or Plexus Slim!


My challenges:

Target scarf, Hamilton Tee shirt (from NYC show), cabi reversible skirt (older), Nedala sandal from JustFab.

Target scarf, Hamilton Tee shirt (from NYC show), cabi reversible skirt (older), Nedala sandal from JustFab.

For June I have two Personal Style Challenges:

  • Casual dresses and skirts: I wear skirts a lot to work and dresses not much. I’d like to work on wearing both more and doing so casually—not just for the office.
  • Shorts with longer sleeves: I wear sleeveless shirt or tee shirts with shorts. But I don’t tend to wear longer sleeved shirts with shorts. I do not know why not. I wear longer pants with tee shirts. So, I should do the reverse. And will work this for June!

Follow me on Instagram to see how I do!




Our Partner:

Kelly Gartner is a stylist with her own fabulous style blog Kelly Gartner Style. She is also a personal stylist with Stella & Dot. We are both cabi addicts and met through our love of cabi! She does amazing closet organization and personal styling too. Kelly is full of style! Check her out on Instagram to learn more about style, get tips on closest reorganizations, and see some amazing Stella & Dot jewelry!


More about Plexus Slim:

Plexus Slim and other Plexus products.

Plexus Slim and other Plexus products.

I was introduced to the “pink drink” by my cousin, Diana, and after trying it out, I was sold. So sold, in fact, that shortly afterwards I became a Plexus Ambassador. Diana likes to call Slim “Balance,” which I agree is a much better name for it, because it does more than help people lose weight. It adds balance by balancing my blood sugar and helping me balance my life. I am a better mother, worker, wife, friend, family member, and person because of this drink, and I am more balanced. My experience has been great, but don’t just take my word for it. Plexus Slim has clinically demonstrated it can help you lose weight (I’ll see I can find and add a link to this study). Plus, the new prebiotic (xylooligosaccharide) has been scientifically shown to drastically increase good gut microbes, leading to better health for you. The prebiotics (not probiotics--prebiotics) are a new trend in health research with some great research behind them. For example, one article I found says “Prebiotics exert a plethora of health-promoting effects…. Prebiotics are being implicated in starter culture formulation, gut health maintenance, colitis prevention, cancer inhibition, immunopotentiaton, cholesterol removal, reduction of cardiovascular disease, prevention of obesity and constipation...” and another says ‘prebiotics… can also have an impact, improving sleep and buffering the physiological impacts of stress.” Buffering stress impacts? Better sleep? Cancer inhibition? Cholesterol removal? Reduced cardiovasualr disease? And more? These little buggers work miracles! Do note: None of these statements have been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. It’s my experience, the Plexus literature, and some research I did (and linked to).


More casual? Maybe not yet... Renee C Addae Knit Dress and Cole Haan Adair Bow Cap Toe Wedge shoes, both fromStitch Fix (use my referral link for$25 of your first Fix)

More casual? Maybe not yet... Renee C Addae Knit Dress and Cole Haan Adair Bow Cap Toe Wedge shoes, both fromStitch Fix (use my referral link for$25 of your first Fix)


* None of these statements have been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration

New Year, Working the New You! My Personal Style Challenge for January

With the New Year, comes all of those New Year’s resolutions. We try to become better people with healthier habits and practices. But, we do not always work on our style. Here is an easy way to work on your style without the twelve month commitment of a New Year’s resolution!

Image is "Textura navideña 4: Bokeh brindis" by M & Pi  on Flickr, with modifcations by me.

Image is "Textura navideña 4: Bokeh brindis" by M & Pi  on Flickr, with modifcations by me.

Look at these shoes! And the cute dress! Sadly, I've only worn this outfit once, besides the photo shoot! I have only worn this dress for this photo shoot! Millie textured Knit Dress by Pixley with Hannley Mary Jane Strappy Pump by Nine West, both f…

Look at these shoes! And the cute dress! Sadly, I've only worn this outfit once, besides the photo shoot! I have only worn this dress for this photo shoot! Millie textured Knit Dress by Pixley with Hannley Mary Jane Strappy Pump by Nine West, both from Stitch Fix.

Take part in my Personal Style Challenge for January. Think about how you want to grow and evolve your style. Perhaps you default to a few key pieces. Perhaps you only wear black. Maybe you want to kick things up a notch for work. Maybe you never wear scarves. Maybe you want to try a new trend. Think about what you want to change and Work It! Choose to work on that one area for the month of January. They say it takes 21 days to make a habit. So, you can conquer one of your resolutions in just one month, and start the New Year with a success!






My challenge:

I have only worn this dress for this photo shoot! Jace Embroidered Lace Dress by 41Hawthorn and from Stitch Fix.

I have only worn this dress for this photo shoot! Jace Embroidered Lace Dress by 41Hawthorn and from Stitch Fix.

Often I choose multiple things to work on. This month I’m going to focus on one, but one this one has parts. My closet is a mess, with a bunch of new purchases that I don’t have room for and old stuff that no longer fits my body, lifestyle, or style—much of it from before having a kid. I need to do a closest clean out. Related to the mess that is my closet, I have been wearing a few easy-to-reach items and not enjoying the extent of what I have. This tends to mean I grab the newer stuff, as it is the easiest to get to. So, old favorites are missed. But, I am also not wearing all of the new stuff either. Putting this together, my style challenge is to curate my wardrobe, focusing on these areas:

  • Finally get to the closet cleaned out, removing things that no longer fit fits my body, lifestyle, or style
  • Evaluate the garments that are not worn much by wearing them and seeing how they work for me now or, if I do not wear them or can’t make them work, remove them
  • Get rid of the stuff that is not working, selling my quality clothes (from cabi, Stitch Fix, and more) and donating the rest
  • Working on better methods of outfit management, such as trying the Stylebook app
  • Wearing the clothes that are not getting worn, either because they are new or because they are older and lost in the chaos that is my closet.

My plan:

This outfit is a good example of my new style. But, I have only worn the sweater once besides this photo shoot! Fierro Elbow Patch Crew Neck Sweater by Brixon Ivy from Stitch Fix. The Scout pant from cabi. Wellie Rain Boots from L.L. Bean.

This outfit is a good example of my new style. But, I have only worn the sweater once besides this photo shoot! Fierro Elbow Patch Crew Neck Sweater by Brixon Ivy from Stitch Fix. The Scout pant from cabi. Wellie Rain Boots from L.L. Bean.

  1. Take a day, possibly off from work (because it is hard to do anything with a toddler around), and pull everything from my closet and evaluate it
  2. Create a donate pile and a sell pile
  3. Take pictures of the items to sell and post them on the groups and possible do a closet clean-out group
  4. Somehow mark or note the items I am keeping but don’t wear much
  5. Put everything back that I am keeping, using my new closet organization items
  6. Mange my wardrobe and outfits through the Stylebook app
  7. War the unworn/little worn items and post the outfits online




So, what about you? Do you have any personal style challenges you want to conquer? If so, join me! Select a challenge for you to work on, develop a plan, and let’s kick those style challenges to the curb! Use the tag #WorkingMyPersonalStyleChallenge to show us how you are doing on Instagram. Or, leave a note for me in the comments here. I'll choose one winner, who will get a $25 JamBerry gift certifcate from my friend Jenny!

What is holding you back from being the stylish fashionista you know you are? My Personal December Style Challenge

We all have things we could work on with our style. Maybe we have safe outfits we default to. Maybe we are a leggings and tees person. Maybe there are some colors we avoid. Maybe we don’t mix metals or mix patterns. Or we don’t know how to. We all have our own personal style challenges—things that we feel are limiting our ability to be the stylish fashionistas we really are. Whatever your challenge, and whatever your reason, here in as opportunity to grow.

background image credit: James Mann "Winter Fog From the River" on FLickr.

background image credit: James Mann "Winter Fog From the River" on FLickr.

Take part in my Personal Style Challenge for December. Think about how you want to grow and evolve your style. Think about what is holding you back and Work It! Choose to work on that one area for the month of December. They say it takes 21 days to make a habit. So, you can change this style challenge into a style strength, in just one month. And even win some Jamberry!

I tried this idea before, in February, and have made it a monthly challenge starting in December. I have many personal style challenges to work on. This way I can master one, two, or more a month!

 My challenges:

Since December is the last month of the year, I’m going to try three challenges, one of which is an ongoing challenge that I have been working on this year (maybe I can kick it before 2017!), one of which is more fundamental, and the last is necessary:

  • Fewer ponytails: I have done this one before, but I need to work on it some more. Ponytails are my default hairstyle, and more so as a toddler mom. So, I challenge myself to wear fewer ponytails in December!
  • Expanding my style: I wouldn’t say I am stuck in a rut, because ruts are small and I have a fairly diverse style. But, I’d like to broaden my style in a few ways. I’d like more truly casual pieces and outfits. This includes wearing more leggings and tunic or long shirts. I’d like to have more cozy fun with my style. In many ways this works with my third challenge.
  • Wardrobe revamp with closet clean out: I have a lot of clothes. Many of them are from before having a baby. My body has changed.  I’ve been waiting until I got back to my pre pregnancy weight, but that has been complicated by health issues that have prevented me from running and medicines that have put on weight. I’m actually now close to my pre pregnancy weight, but my shape is different. I need to go through all of my clothes and get rid of stuff that no longer fits my body, my lifestyle, or my evolving style.

My plan:

Fun and cozy, right? Wearing my newbeloved Wellie Rain Boots from LL Bean and their Signature Cotton Fisherman Sweater. Pleated Star Skirt from Canvas by Lands' End.

Fun and cozy, right? Wearing my newbeloved Wellie Rain Boots from LL Bean and their Signature Cotton Fisherman Sweater. Pleated Star Skirt from Canvas by Lands' End.

  • Fewer ponytails: I’m saving some ideas for other ways to wear my hair on Pinterest. I also recently purchased some Lila Rose hair accessories from Abby Harding McEllroy for some hair clips that will increase the different ways I can wear my hair.
  • Expanding my style: I am trying out some new brands (posts forthcoming) including Lula Roe, which focuses on cozy fun. I also recently ordered from this small little shop I discovered through mutual fashion interests on Facebook: Little Raven Clothing. She had a wonderful cyber Monday sale and I am getting some fun and cozy pieces from her.
  • Wardrobe revamp with closet clean out: I am ready to go for this. I bought some hangers and organization stuff. I just need to find the time and be well enough to have the energy. I have a day off planned later this month which would be perfect for tackling this. I will do some sort of closet clean out sale, so stay tuned for that. Most of what I own is cabi and in the medium size range with some small. Plus, I recently bought some Jamberry, and funky nails will help!

I may report back and post pictures (probably less of wardrobe revamp). I’ll certainly be talking about this on Instagram, so follow me there for more!

So, what about you? Do you have any personal style challenges you want to conquer? If so, join me! Select a challenge for you to work on, develop a plan, and let’s kick those style challenges to the curb! Use the tag #WorkingMyPersonalStylechallenge to show us how you are doing on Instagram. Or, leave a note for me in the comments here.

This month, there will be a prize! I will randomly select one winner from the December Instagram and blog #WorkingMyPersonalStylechallenge posts for a $25 Jamberry gift certificate! One of my good friends, Jenny, just started selling. So we can help launch her business and work our own style challenges at the same time!

My Personal November Style Challenge

What is keeping you from being the chic fashionista you know you are?

We all have things we could work on with our style. Maybe we wear too much black. Perhaps we default to wearing the same safe outfits. Maybe we do not wear all the scarves we have. Maybe we never wear sunscreen or eye liner. We all have our style challenges. They may not even be things we think about when we get dressed in the morning, but they are things that we feel are limiting our ability to be the chic fashionistas we really are. Whatever your challenge, and whatever your reason, here in an opportunity to grow.

Take part in my Personal Style Challenge for November. Think about how you want to grow and evolve your style. Think about what is holding you back and Work It! Choose to work on that one area for the month of November. They say it takes 21 days to make a habit. So, you can change this style challenge into a style strength, in just one month.

My challenges:

Since November is my birth month, I’m going to really challenge myself with three Personal Style Challenges:

Less of these

Less of these

  • Layering necklaces: I have so many necklaces. However, I don’t tend to think about layering them. Also, I’m not the most confident at layering necklaces. So, I am challenging myself to layer necklaces in November!
  • Fewer ponytails: I have done this one before, but I need to work on it some more. Ponytails are my default hairstyle, and more so as a toddler mom. I just got my haircut, and I’m ready to rock it down or up in different ways. I’m also saving some ideas on Pinterest. So, I challenge myself to wear fewer ponytails in November!
  • Water: I used to be a solid eight-or-more-cups-of-water-a-day person. But now I am slacking and I need to pick this back up. It is better for my health, my skin, and even my allergies.  Bring on the hydration, November!


My plan:

Walking away from the ponytail?

Walking away from the ponytail?

My plan for all three is simple: layer necklaces, wear my air in different styles, and drink more water.  I have a great necklace collection, with some fabulous pieces from Shine Chaser Jewelry, Solid Treasures, and, just recently, eBSe (I have two fabulous stylists: Suzanne Joffrion Stylist ID #246131 and Kathy Roush Stylist ID #246276).

I may report back and post pictures (probably not many of drinking water). I’ll certainly be talking about this on Instagram, so follow me there for more!

So, what about you? Do you have any personal style challenges you want to conquer? If so, join me! Select a challenge for you to work on, develop a plan, and let’s kick those style challenges to the curb! Use the tag #WorkingMyPersonalStylechallenge to show us how you are doing on Instagram. Or, leave a note for me in the comments here.

I am even working on a prize for one of you who worked their personal style challenge! I’ll post what it is once I have that worked out!

What is holding back your style? My Personal October Style Challenge

We all have our style challenges. Perhaps we lack confidence to try a style we love. Maybe we only wear blue. Perhaps we have never tried red lipstick. Maybe we tend to only wear our hair in a ponytail. Maybe we love over-the-knee boots, but just have not tried them. Whatever your challenge, and whatever your reason, here in as opportunity to grow.

Outfit: cords are classic cabi (similar), blouse is from Stitch Fix, Gray Owl Infinity Scarf from ITB Design, boots are Navy Veradley Ankle by Bucco and sold from Zulily, and , Feather ring by Solid Treasures

Outfit: cords are classic cabi (similar), blouse is from Stitch Fix, Gray Owl Infinity Scarf from ITB Design, boots are Navy Veradley Ankle by Bucco and sold from Zulily, and , Feather ring by Solid Treasures

Take part in my Personal Style Challenge for October. Think about how you want to grow and evolve your style. Think about what is holding you back and Work It! Choose to work on that one area for the month of October. They say it takes 21 days to make a habit. So, you can change this style challenge into a style strength, in just one month.

I tried this idea before, in February, and plan to make it a monthly thing. I have many personal style challenges to work on. This way I can master one or two a month!





My challenges:

For October I have two Personal Style Challenges:

  • Rings: I have rings, but besides my wedding and engagement rings, I tend to not wear them. So, I am challenging myself wear rings more in October!
  • Scarves: I adore scarves. They are fun. They are a great way to add a pop of color or print to an outfit. They keep my neck warm. I have a ton of scarves. I do not wear scarves very often thought. So, I challenge myself to wear more scarves in October—which really is a great month to do so!



My plan:

My plan for both is simple: wear more of them. I have been working for months to add more rings to my collection, and I have several wonderful ones from Solid Treasures and a fun one from Shine Chaser Jewelry. I also recently joined Le Tote (more of this later), and will rent me some rings and scarves to help out.

I may report back and post pictures. I’ll certainly be talking about this on Instagram, so follow me there for more!






So, what about you? Do you have any personal style challenges you want to conquer? If so, join me! Choose a challenge, develop a plan, and let’s kick those style challenges to the curb! Use the tag #WorkingMyPersonalStylechallenge to show us how you are doing on Instagram. Or, leave a note for me in the comments here. I may even have a prize for one of you who worked their personal style challenge! Don't worry about meeting the challenge every day, unless you want to. Just do what you can. Even meeting it once is an improvement!

Work it!