New Year, Working the New You! My Personal Style Challenge for January

With the New Year, comes all of those New Year’s resolutions. We try to become better people with healthier habits and practices. But, we do not always work on our style. Here is an easy way to work on your style without the twelve month commitment of a New Year’s resolution!

Image is "Textura navideña 4: Bokeh brindis" by M & Pi  on Flickr, with modifcations by me.

Image is "Textura navideña 4: Bokeh brindis" by M & Pi  on Flickr, with modifcations by me.

Look at these shoes! And the cute dress! Sadly, I've only worn this outfit once, besides the photo shoot! I have only worn this dress for this photo shoot! Millie textured Knit Dress by Pixley with Hannley Mary Jane Strappy Pump by Nine West, both f…

Look at these shoes! And the cute dress! Sadly, I've only worn this outfit once, besides the photo shoot! I have only worn this dress for this photo shoot! Millie textured Knit Dress by Pixley with Hannley Mary Jane Strappy Pump by Nine West, both from Stitch Fix.

Take part in my Personal Style Challenge for January. Think about how you want to grow and evolve your style. Perhaps you default to a few key pieces. Perhaps you only wear black. Maybe you want to kick things up a notch for work. Maybe you never wear scarves. Maybe you want to try a new trend. Think about what you want to change and Work It! Choose to work on that one area for the month of January. They say it takes 21 days to make a habit. So, you can conquer one of your resolutions in just one month, and start the New Year with a success!






My challenge:

I have only worn this dress for this photo shoot! Jace Embroidered Lace Dress by 41Hawthorn and from Stitch Fix.

I have only worn this dress for this photo shoot! Jace Embroidered Lace Dress by 41Hawthorn and from Stitch Fix.

Often I choose multiple things to work on. This month I’m going to focus on one, but one this one has parts. My closet is a mess, with a bunch of new purchases that I don’t have room for and old stuff that no longer fits my body, lifestyle, or style—much of it from before having a kid. I need to do a closest clean out. Related to the mess that is my closet, I have been wearing a few easy-to-reach items and not enjoying the extent of what I have. This tends to mean I grab the newer stuff, as it is the easiest to get to. So, old favorites are missed. But, I am also not wearing all of the new stuff either. Putting this together, my style challenge is to curate my wardrobe, focusing on these areas:

  • Finally get to the closet cleaned out, removing things that no longer fit fits my body, lifestyle, or style
  • Evaluate the garments that are not worn much by wearing them and seeing how they work for me now or, if I do not wear them or can’t make them work, remove them
  • Get rid of the stuff that is not working, selling my quality clothes (from cabi, Stitch Fix, and more) and donating the rest
  • Working on better methods of outfit management, such as trying the Stylebook app
  • Wearing the clothes that are not getting worn, either because they are new or because they are older and lost in the chaos that is my closet.

My plan:

This outfit is a good example of my new style. But, I have only worn the sweater once besides this photo shoot! Fierro Elbow Patch Crew Neck Sweater by Brixon Ivy from Stitch Fix. The Scout pant from cabi. Wellie Rain Boots from L.L. Bean.

This outfit is a good example of my new style. But, I have only worn the sweater once besides this photo shoot! Fierro Elbow Patch Crew Neck Sweater by Brixon Ivy from Stitch Fix. The Scout pant from cabi. Wellie Rain Boots from L.L. Bean.

  1. Take a day, possibly off from work (because it is hard to do anything with a toddler around), and pull everything from my closet and evaluate it
  2. Create a donate pile and a sell pile
  3. Take pictures of the items to sell and post them on the groups and possible do a closet clean-out group
  4. Somehow mark or note the items I am keeping but don’t wear much
  5. Put everything back that I am keeping, using my new closet organization items
  6. Mange my wardrobe and outfits through the Stylebook app
  7. War the unworn/little worn items and post the outfits online




So, what about you? Do you have any personal style challenges you want to conquer? If so, join me! Select a challenge for you to work on, develop a plan, and let’s kick those style challenges to the curb! Use the tag #WorkingMyPersonalStyleChallenge to show us how you are doing on Instagram. Or, leave a note for me in the comments here. I'll choose one winner, who will get a $25 JamBerry gift certifcate from my friend Jenny!